Therapeutic Approaches

Internal Family Systems Therapy (IFS)

Internal Family Systems Therapy (IFS) has a spiritual feel to it.

It holds that all of us have a central core self that is uninjurable, and can never be tainted in any way. But we have parts of our psyche that have various roles, and these parts can be injured, or act to try to protect us in extreme ways.

“But we have parts of our psyche that have various roles..”

For example, we have a part of us that feels like a distressed child that activates and feels like it takes over whenever we are criticised. We might also have a critical part that throws insults at us to try to prevent us getting our hopes up and becoming disappointed. IFS helps people connect their core self with their parts, and talk to them, to help them heal. If it is the right fit for you, it can be remarkably effective and healing.

In this podcast episode you can hear Tim Ferris experience Internal Family Systems therapy with the creator of the approach Richard Schwarz:

Podcast: The Tim Ferriss Show

Richard Schwartz — IFS, Psychedelic Experiences Without Drugs, and Finding Inner Peace for Our Many Parts.

‘What is the problem you are seeking help with?’ Is the first question I will ask you. Good on you for seeking help.